Monday, June 12, 2006

Music That's Making Me Happy Today, vol 15

Music for 2 Cellos and 24 Televisions at La Val's Subterranean

Even though this show was produced by the Crowded Fire Theatre Company, and Paul, Gretchen and I saw the performance at La Val's, one of my favorite places to see a play, I wouldn't exactly call it theatre. But it was definitely music. Composer and Crowded Fire company member David Rhodes created the piece which is performed both electronically and, as it would happen, by two cellists. Meantime, video images on no more and no less than 24 televisions accompany the music. The result is engaging, even a little mesmerizing at times. I'd say you should go see it, but we went on closing night, so sadly... you can't.

And we were treated to an opening act as well. Crowded Fire inspires people to sign up for their mailing list with a giveaway before every show, and this time the giveaway was orchestrated by company member Mollena, who happens to be one of the most dynamic, kick-ass people walking the face of the earth. When it came time to award the coveted package of Mentos that was the grand prize, Mollena didn't just hand them over. She pulled them from her bra strap and serenaded the winner with a word perfect, a cappella rendition of the Mentos commercial. You have to know that was some hysterical and fabulous pre-show entertainment.

Add to all that the pizza and beer at La Val's, and I'd call it a perfect night out.

After the show Paul and Gretchen offered Mollena and their other friend Bree a ride back to the City, so we all piled into Paul and Gretchie's new (to them) Golf for the trek over the bridge. The lively in-car conversation ranged from people who walk over the bridge in clown suits to a man who got locked out of his house in a bunny suit to other men who have asked Bree to make bunny suits for them. For the record, she has always said no.

By the way, I can now tell you: Gretchen is pregnant! I've been sitting on this knowledge since late March, but it's okay to talk about it now. If anything in life merits a big fat YAY, it is the imminent arrival of this little guy. I think the gene pool Gretchie and Paul create just might result in a perfect little person. Aside from Nephew Sassy, of course.

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