Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's Official, I'm Sick

And with my infirm condition comes extraordinary boredom.

For the life of me, I don't know how couch potatoes do it. I have been apartment-ridden for only a couple of days, and I am already stir crazy. Honestly, I haven't even been totally apartment-ridden. Yesterday morning I went out to buy groceries, rent movies and load up on cold medications, all of which took almost an hour and a half. My errands completed, I then tried to take a short run.

That didn't go very well, and it ended up being more of a short stroll.

Last night I was feeling a little better, so even though I skipped the wine and chocolate event (boo!), I did go see Paula West at the Plush Room with Terry. Paula was, of course, wonderful. She is one of the people in the world I wish I could be. Or at a bare minimum I wish I could sing like her. As much fun as seeing Paula was, though, it probably wasn't the best idea because I woke up this morning feeling much worse. I took another short walk to buy a few more groceries today, but otherwise it's been just me, my pajamas and my couch.

So here's what I've done so far:
Researched my little newspaper column.
Edited a letter to my college classmates announcing our upcoming reunion (somehow, I have ended up on the reunion planning committee).
Lamented the fact that I had to miss my singing lesson today, not to mention that I'm too congested and sore to practice.
Watched Little Miss Sunshine and Sherrybaby, both of which are very good. Maggie Gyllenhaal is another person I wish I could be. She just may turn out to be quite the amazing actress.
Worked my way through an entire box of Puffs tissues (aren't you happy to know that?).
Wrote some emails and surfed the web to the best of my ability. You know what? There really isn't that much interesting stuff on the web.
Napped some more.
Enjoyed the brilliance of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Am writing this post.

I called in sick to work for tomorrow, and I have no idea how I am going to entertain myself. I also rented Thank You For Smoking, so I can watch that. And there are always books to continue reading. I also have an audition on Saturday, so I need to brush up on my monologue. But who knows if I'll even feel well enough to make the audition. Of course by Saturday, I may need to get out of my apartment just to save my sanity.

Again, I don't know how couch potatoes do it, but I salute their stamina. It takes a lot to be lazy.

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