Sunday, May 29, 2011

Card Room

Happy Memorial Day weekend, gentle readers! (Wait, should Memorial Day be happy? Huh. Discuss.) I began my weekend with a little party on Friday evening. Frances hosted a bunch of us for poker, pizza and Pinot. It was great fun with all the cards we could play, pizza we could eat and Pinot we could drink.

I have to work tomorrow because there are no holidays in my industry (not that I mind; I love my job), but that will not stop me from heading into the Mission tonight to celebrate Katya's birthday. I can't stay for the entire celebration because I have to work earlier than usual on holidays, but if Katya can come to San Francisco from L.A. to mark the anniversary of her birth, I can swing by the party at least long enough for a toast and a hug.

I hope you have a marvelous weekend, gentle readers, and if you have the day off tomorrow, please enjoy it.

Pre-poker and pizza snacks. We already had broken into the Pinot.

Chris is a poker expert (honestly).

You're familiar with fish and chips; how about Pinot and chips?

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